Cycles News: Free Live Event "What Astrology Can Do for You"

Hey Reader, it's Tatiana...

As part of my Effortless Reality Series (ERS), I am offering a free live webinar on Saturday, May 11, 1 - 3 pm EDT on the topic of what you can do with Astrology.

If you have been studying Astrology for a while, you already know your Sun sign, your Ascendant, and that Uranus and Jupiter are currently conjunct in the sky. You’ve been following Mercury and its retrograde periods. And, you have a favorite astrologer’s podcast that you listen to daily. Now what? Is there more to it?

Yes, yes, there is! But here is the thing with Astrology - the more personalized it is, the more useful, insightful, and pertinent. Yes, we do have Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the sky but does it matter to you? And all the planets are currently concentrated in one portion of the sky, but what does that mean? How much should all this matter? What can you do about it?

You see, this is where the personalization comes in to play. If you were born with the Moon in 20-21 Taurus, oh, what fun! Your emotions (Moon) are now engaged with the urge to break free (Uranus) blended with a founded (or unfounded) sense of optimism (Jupiter).

Your friend, on the other hand, doesn’t have any planets in 20-21 Taurus. In fact, they don’t have any planets anywhere near the 20-21 degrees of any sign. Whoo-hoo! No triggers, no pressure points, now worries. They might not even sense that conjunction in the sky.

But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that your friend is determined to feel the Uranus-Jupiter conjunction. After all, it’s not fair otherwise. They are suffering from the case of a FOMO, and so they, too, want to tap into the Uranus/Jupiter energetic blend. Where could they expect that energy to lend itself most easily? If Taurus was rising when they were born, then the Uranus/Jupiter bundle is involved in their First-House issues: self-expression, body appearance and body health. No surprise that they were so forceful in insisting on feeling the Uranus/Jupiter blend.

Now, take someone else who has Taurus in their 2nd House, and they might as well brace themselves for changes and opportunities connected to their values and self-esteem. Or, if they resist it, they might even see their echo of those changes in their financial matters, possessions, belongings, money, and material resources.

If you are like me, you are probably asking “What about me? My Taurus is in the ....fill-the-blank.... House." Well, you can dust off those astrology books from your bookshelf and start flipping through the pages trying to figure it out. You are smart. You are clever. You are independent. And, you can do it all alone.

Or, you can get a reading with an astrologer. Hmmm....

Only, a professional reading costs a pretty penny. And before committing that much money, how could you be sure that it would be helpful? So, you do your homework and get yourself a computer-generated report. They come at a price range of $20-30 per report. I once got one for $70, but that was me dazzled with the reputation and credentials of Liz Greene.

Here is what I will tell you about all the computer-generated reports I've got. While they piqued my curiosity and made me feel good about myself to a degree, they didn't really have much to say in practical and immediate terms. I also found that (a) the price had no correlation with the value I got; and (b) I might as well have gone back to my astrology books. The computer-generated reports are not personalized. They simply present the old astrology cook-book paragraphs in a more efficient manner. Instead of having to flip back and forth pages to find out what the Sun in Libra and Moon in Pisces mean, the computer does it for you.

Not very personalized, now is it?

Back to the simple truth - the more personalized an astrological reading is, the more value it has for you. It is tailored to your specific goals, not some generic planetary average person. It reflects your journey, your skills, your personality, and holds the map to the solutions of your problems. Not your neighbor's.

Should you get a professional reading, then? And if yes, with whom? Do you want to wait five years before Steven Forrest gets to your order? What can a reading do for you? Can it really help you find a new job? Bring more clients to your business? Sort out the difficult relationship you have with your brother? Take care of your dog? What questions can you even ask when it comes to your astrological chart?

I am not going to lie to you. There is a mystery ingredient lurking deep in our subconscious. If that ingredient is present, Astrology can do miracles for you. But then, you won't need Astrology in such a case. Your intuition becomes your most robust and reliable source of answers to your questions.

If the mystery ingredient is not there, however, Astrology can do only as much as your subconscious is ready to accept with fear or distress. It can take the edge off a bit from your daily stress. Perhaps, point the direction in which you wish to grow. Remind you when to keep your wits about or hold your guard up on the days you are prone anger. It can help you spot the opportunities surrounding you. Many times, it can simply give you a timeline so that you find the patience and the forbearance to go through life. Forewarned is forearmed and all that.

Just as with everything else, the trick with Astrology is to have realistic expectations. And to give yourself a break - the mystery ingredient cannot be forced, faked, or conjured out of thin air. Your time will come when it comes. Until then, you go by whatever is available and helpful.

The astrological cycles are just that - cycles. And most of the time, all you need is a timeline. Or a validation of your emotions, feelings, and hunches. Never forget that you hold the solutions to your own problems. Do not doubt that even for a moment.

And so, if you have the solutions and the answers to your questions, why work with someone else, then? He, he, he. I wish I had a dollar every time I asked myself the same thing. But you know what - life looks better, less scary, and solutions pop up more easily and quickly when working with another. At least, that is how it works for me. I have got readings from favorite astrologers, consultations with marketing experts, sessions with JSJ practitioners, regression therapists, intuitive counselors, and retired lawyers. I even got a whole series of voice lessons last winter. Now, that was a life-transforming experience, but I will leave the story for another day.

What about you? Who do you have on your speed dial when trouble hits the fan?

Am I one of "your" people? Yes? No? Not sure?

Join me for a free 2-hr webinar in which I will show you what you can get out of your astrological chart. From your passion in life and how people perceive you when they first meet you, to what calms you down and what kind of opportunities are knocking at your door now. It's all there in the chart if you have the eyes to see it.

This is not a reading or a lecture. The webinar will focus on what you can get out of your chart. I will give you a list of questions to ponder or ask from your favorite astrologer next time you get a reading. It gives you a taste of what you can get out of your chart.

Whether you work with me, with someone else, or alone, doesn't matter. You will at least know what to look for and what to expect. I'll select the topics that I have seen most often in my work with clients. Bring your questions - we will have thirty minutes in the end for Q&A from the audience.

Here are the details.

Effortless Reality Series (ERS) Presents

What Astrology Can Do for You

Saturday, May 11, 1 - 3 pm EDT

Via Zoom

Once you sign up, you will be receiving some preliminary resources and information. Keep an eye out for those emails. They will come from me and will have a subject starting with ERS: What Astrology Can Do. I'll send out the Zoom access link as the webinar date approaches.

I hope to see you there!


PS. Yes, there will be a recording, and for a limited time, you will have access to review it.

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