Happy New Year 2024!

Hello Reader,

I blame Mercury for my long silence this past month. But as soon as Mercury turned direct on January 1, I felt itchy to get back busy with my projects. How did December go for you? Did you have any profound insights? Striking ideas? Mercury is the symbol of perception and intellectual abilities. It is your inner storyteller. On good days, it can be clever and inspired. On bad days, it can act out of sheer boredom or to stir mischief.

The big ah-ha moment for me last month was that I have been suppressing my voice, both literally and metaphorically. And given that Pluto is beginning to transit over my storyteller Mercury, I can't help but notice the synchronicity of it. Pluto transits are as much fun as a complete house renovation. They are overwhelming. You are stripped down to basics and do not do much. And, you cannot see the end of it till the very moment when the furniture is back in. Are there any planets or angles around 0 Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus in your chart? Pay attention to January 20 as the Sun and Pluto will be conjunct in 29 Capricorn. The Moon in 29 Taurus will make an exact trine and will resonate strongly with the Pluto/Sun bundle. Emotions, power, transformation, and your sense of identity will all be bungled with each other. How exactly? I have no idea, but I plan to investigate and observe for myself and will report back what I discover.

The second profound (and irritating) insight stems directly from the first one. I have pulled the publication of my book indefinitely. I realized that it was two books in one, with different audiences and serving different purposes. So, until I disentangle the voices and sort them out, no book is coming out yet. On the flip side, perhaps, when I am done, I will have two books at the same time. :-)

On another front, important changes are coming soon. First, I am moving our newsletter to a new, better platform. Wish me luck with the migration! I will probably try your patience, so I thank you in advance for your understanding. Once the transition is complete, I will reorganize the Travelers' guide to the healing site. The idea is to simplify and make information easy to navigate. Finally, new free astrological classes are coming up soon. Stay tuned!



JSJ Self-Help

I have been doing Stomach Flow lately. As I am getting older, I find more and more people around me worrying about their aging bodies, skin, etc. I cannot say I am immune to such topics, so my solution for myself was Stomach Flow! The going up and down around the face before it flows downward does miracles for my face and skin. And, once it flows downward, it clears up my head and brings mental clarity and peace. If you decide on the Stomach flow, I'd recommend both sides. When you do it for 20+ minutes on each side, you can really tell the difference.

Left Side

Place your right hand on the left SEL 21 and the left hand on the left SEL 22.

Right Side

Place your left hand on the right SEL 21 and the right hand on the right SEL 22.

Combine the flow with this powerful mantra: Once I transcend my limiting beliefs, I can be happy and content wherever I am.

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Effortless Reality

Do you want to try another way? Do not miss Tatiana's latest stories, insights, and news as she switches from the old to a new way of life.

Read more from Effortless Reality

Hello Reader, How is this August's Mercury Retrograde period going on for you? Are you getting a lot of exciting insights? Taking a self-help class aligns very well with the Mercury Retrograde period of self-reflection. Are you interested? I am offering a JSJ self-help class, "Tuck Yourself In With JSJ." I am trying a new format for my classes. This time, the class stretches over several days and is self-paced. For five days in a row, you will receive one email a day with a lesson on what JSJ...

Hey Reader, it's Tatiana... As part of my Effortless Reality Series (ERS), I am offering a free live webinar on Saturday, May 11, 1 - 3 pm EDT on the topic of what you can do with Astrology. If you have been studying Astrology for a while, you already know your Sun sign, your Ascendant, and that Uranus and Jupiter are currently conjunct in the sky. You’ve been following Mercury and its retrograde periods. And, you have a favorite astrologer’s podcast that you listen to daily. Now what? Is...

Hello Reader, In his book "Astrology for the Millions," Grant Lewi, a one-time Professor of English at Dartmouth and an astrologer extraordinaire, claimed that when the moving Saturn traverses the portion of the sky that corresponds to the lower left quadrant of quadrant of your astrological chart, it is time for work on yourself. There will be no outward rewards or recognition at this time. On the other hand, if you have been doing your work, day in and day out, the rewards are most likely...