Mercury Retrograde

Hello Reader,

Mercury turned retrograde last Tuesday, May 10. Three times each year, the astrology community gets all twisted and agitated because of Mercury retrograde. To an extent, they have a reason for it. But it is not as bad as you might think. In fact, these retrograde periods are "nothing either good or bad ..." to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare. Only thinking makes it so, continues Hamlet in his conversation with Rosentcrantz and Guildenstern. And thinking is totally the domain of Mercury. Let's think it through together this time.

Mercury stands for our perception, intellect, and the stories we tell ourselves and others. When Mercury appears direct in the sky, the communication flow is outward. We go out and interact with the external world - learn new skills, go on trips, speak, and write. Our focus is on the external relations and communications, on trips back and forth, on purchasing and selling, and many other outward daily activities. When the planet turns retrograde, our focus shifts inward. We are now listening in on the inner worlds. It is time for insights, ideas, and imagination.

The problem occurs when people do not honor this distinction and try to force their hand. If your inner antenna is tuned in to your inner spiritual world, of course, you will be more likely to forget an outside appointment, miscommunicate with your neighbor, or overlook a defect in the car you are buying. So, arrange your activities for the next month around reflection, meditation, brainstorming, or revisiting and revising old ideas. Few of us can withdraw to a monastery or a retreat for a month, so be realistic with your expectations. You will be in the midst of your daily life. Accept that projects might take longer and that there may be miscommunication in the family or at work. Transportation may be delayed, and purchases or returns of items - glitchy. Your attention is simply focused elsewhere.

So, how long is this period going to last? Mercury was in 4 Gemini on May 10 when it stationed and turned retrograde. It will appear moving backward in the sky until June 3, when it stations and turns direct. But it will take until June 18 to finally catch up to where it was in 4 Gemini. The period between June 3 and June 18 is called the shadow and is a transition from one state to another. Only after Mercury emerges from its shadow period can we rest assured that our focus is again entirely on the external.

As Mercury zig-zags between Gemini/Stomach and Taurus/Large Intestine, it will be crossing their boundaries. In the twelve-fold JSJ daily Function Energy language, ​SEL 21​ serves as that boundary where the Large Intestine becomes Stomach FE. Safety Energy Lock 21 helps us get "Release from Mental Bondage," according to Mary Burmeister. In a modern variation, you may say it helps us let go of our limiting beliefs.

The topic of release is accentuated at this time as the Lunar Eclipse coming up next Monday is also about release. I'll send out a reminder about that before Monday, but let's keep things simple. No need for many extra flows. Simply hold SEL 21 occasionally, or hold your thumb as it is its finger facilitator. If you prefer a sequence, however, here is my favorite that involves SEL 21.

How to open Safety Energy Lock 21

Place the right hand on Left SEL 21 and the left on Right SEL 4. Reverse for the other side.

This sequence is wonderful for tired eyes. I like doing it daily to help offset all the computer screen time I get throughout the day.

The Mediator

I picture Mercury going back and forth between Gemini and Taurus and switching its focus from out to in and back out again, and I can't help but reflect on the Mediator flow, the activating principle in JSJ. So, we can work on the Mediator Function Energy this month as well. What do you think? I know many of you probably have it as your daily routine, so let me know how it goes.

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