Hey Reader, it's Tatiana... As part of my Effortless Reality Series (ERS), I am offering a free live webinar on Saturday, May 11, 1 - 3 pm EDT on the topic of what you can do with Astrology. If you have been studying Astrology for a while, you already know your Sun sign, your Ascendant, and that Uranus and Jupiter are currently conjunct in the sky. You’ve been following Mercury and its retrograde periods. And, you have a favorite astrologer’s podcast that you listen to daily. Now what? Is...
10 months ago • 6 min read
Hello Reader, In his book "Astrology for the Millions," Grant Lewi, a one-time Professor of English at Dartmouth and an astrologer extraordinaire, claimed that when the moving Saturn traverses the portion of the sky that corresponds to the lower left quadrant of quadrant of your astrological chart, it is time for work on yourself. There will be no outward rewards or recognition at this time. On the other hand, if you have been doing your work, day in and day out, the rewards are most likely...
12 months ago • 3 min read
Hello Reader, Pluto has been on my mind a lot lately. What with its entry into Aquarius in a few hours (at 7:40 pm EST today, Jan. 20) but also because my Mercury/Midheaven cluster lies just across in 01/02 Leo. This Plutonian influence has been building slowly, so don't expect to feel the peak tonight and then no more. I know some of you have been feeling the Pluto transits as well. In the past week, I have already seen it in the charts of at least three of the people who have reached out to...
about 1 year ago • 3 min read
Hello Reader, I blame Mercury for my long silence this past month. But as soon as Mercury turned direct on January 1, I felt itchy to get back busy with my projects. How did December go for you? Did you have any profound insights? Striking ideas? Mercury is the symbol of perception and intellectual abilities. It is your inner storyteller. On good days, it can be clever and inspired. On bad days, it can act out of sheer boredom or to stir mischief. The big ah-ha moment for me last month was...
about 1 year ago • 2 min read
Hello Reader, The Venus symbol is a mirror, which comes only too easily to associate with vanity and superficiality. But is it? A mirror reflects back what we are. And what better mirror than the people surrounding us? Are your friends generous and caring? Most likely, you are so, and they merely reflect that. This is not to diminish our friends but to illustrate how the world operates. It shows what we see. Or rather, what we want to see and what we think of ourselves. This month, we will...
over 1 year ago • 2 min read
Hello Reader, Mercury turned retrograde last Tuesday, May 10. Three times each year, the astrology community gets all twisted and agitated because of Mercury retrograde. To an extent, they have a reason for it. But it is not as bad as you might think. In fact, these retrograde periods are "nothing either good or bad ..." to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare. Only thinking makes it so, continues Hamlet in his conversation with Rosentcrantz and Guildenstern. And thinking is totally the domain of...
almost 3 years ago • 3 min read